January 11 2007 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.6 its released.
A lot of changes in this release. The changes in this new version are:
- New languages added: Français, Deutsch, Español (translation to do), Nederlands (translation done);
- Forum section enanced: "Create new discussion" permission added, tag "code" added, now you can quote a reply and edit a reply/discussion, now you can also create forum categories for all language;
- Little HTML editor and smile editor was enanced;
- Webmatic its now tested and fully working with Firefox or higher;
- New style added "green" and little emprovement to all the styles;
- Ecommerce section (administartor side) enanched;
- Security bug, that occurred when you delete a file in file management section, fixed;
- Some minor code optimizations;
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.6.
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