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Webmatic 2.4.9 work in progress version, going to version 2.5
November 03 2006 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic version 2.4.9 (work in progress version) the changes are:

Webmatic license changed, now Webmatic switch to a free GNU GPL license, you can now download last stable release of webmatic for free.
Now Webmatic works fine also with the "magic quotes php option" set to off.
All the input forms redesigned.
Added option that can enable/disable the logging for the visitators.
Users private section enhanced, (menu was created and all the functionalities are now much clear).
Added a button that lets the administrator delete all the comments for a news item.
Add button to delete a file in file menager section.
Bug fixed in user section when you try to delete an user.
Minor code optimization.
Some minor bugs fixed.

Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the changes.
Version 2.5 its coming soon.
Printable version Read 51983 times
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