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Downloads categories Support Expansions for Webmatic Data Away 1.0 Top rated
Data Away 1.0 (33766 download from June 21 2018 (13:33:37))

"Data Away" is a Webmatic expansion that allows your website users to see and download all personal data. This expansion (useful for the GDPR) add to the logged user control panel a section from which the user can see and download all personal data. This expansion needs ZipArchive php module.

Minimum Webmatic version needed to use the expansion: 3.1.1

File size 47.65 Kbyte

Estimated download time (D:HH:MM:SS)

Modem 56K (0:00:00:06)
ISDN 64K (0:00:00:06)
ADSL 640K (0:00:00:00)
ADSL 7M (0:00:00:00)
ADSL 20M (0:00:00:00)
1 2 3 4 5 6

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