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Webmatic work in progress v 1.9Beta
April 10 2004 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic work in progress, see the last 1.9Beta version (its a work in progress version) directly online at the DEMO SECTION
Webmatic 1.9 final version coming soon.
Changes from 1.8:
- Login field added to the admin section
- Users groups section added
- Added search form in the users module (in webmatic editor)
- Log section added in statistics module
- Rotational banners added
- Now you can send newsletters also to the emails in the guestbook
- Little emprovements to the styles
- Added search form in directories, forums and downloads module
- "Blues" style added
- Some icons added
- Some bugs fixed in directories module
- Security bug fixed
- Some minor bugs fixed
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