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Webmatic 2.8 released
February 19 2008 (18:14:01) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic version 2.8 has been released with a lot of changes.
Here the list of changes in version 2.8:

- New panel added "Happy birthday";
- New panel added "Special offer";
- Started api creation for development (now only for the styles). Sorry but the api are undocumented in this version;
- Added read/unread marker in the forums (for users that are connected);
- Added function lock/unlock discussion in the forums;
- Added discussion hits counter in the forums;
- Added time generator page and query counter function;
- Security bug, that lets some sql injection and XSS exploits, fixed;
- Now the users can use only BBCode tags for the input, only administrators can use also HTML;
- Some graphic objects added and style "elios" added;
- Some code optimizations and minor bugs was also fixed.

Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.8.
Printable version Read 45742 times
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