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Webmatic 1.6 released
October 09 2003 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic 1.6 cames with a new forum module and a lot of innovations. New features in version 1.6 of Webmatic.

- Registered users information page added;
- Forum section added;
- Now you can create public pages and page for registered users only;
- Registered users can create forums;
- Chronological statistic and website visitors trends added;
- Shipping cost added to ecommerce section;
- Now you can link the "user.php" page in the menu bar section;
- Some improvements added in the HTML editor, in the users section and images preview added;
- Autosetup added;
- Some graphic improvements and icons added;
- Some minor bugs fixed.

Go to demo section to see the changes.
Read 52604 times

Webmatic 1.6 BETA with a lot of new features
October 03 2003 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

A lot of new features in this new version of Webmatic (beta test in progress). New features are:

Forum section added (you can create public and private forums with a moderator).
chronological statistics and trends added to statistics section.
User information page added and users section improved.
Added "user.php" link to menubar section.
Editor improved with icons.
Now you can create public or private pages.
Autosetup added (now to install webmatic its more simple).
Icons and image preview added.
Little improved the HTML editor.
New icons added.
Minor bug fixed and minor improved added.

Go to demo section to see the new features.
Read 52605 times

Webmatic applets new version 1.4
September 07 2003 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Two new applets added in this version: "Clouds" and "CloudsMenu" with that applets you can create some new effects like fog, smog and scrolling clouds. Some bug fixed in all non menu applets and some improvement to applets "Rain", "RainMenu", "Snow" e "SnowMenu". New options added in the "Plasma" applet. Please go to APPLETS section to download or see the new applets.
Read 67562 times

Webmatic applets version 1.39
August 28 2003 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Two applets added in this new version of Webmatic applets: "Plasma" and "PlasmaMenu", also added a lightning effect to applet "Rain" and "RainMenu". See the applets section to download and view the new applets.
Read 49291 times

Webmatic 1.5 released
August 21 2003 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic 1.5 released, a lot of bug fixed and new features added.
Change in version 1.5:

- Added password recovery and online visitors/users functions to the login panel;
- Survey section added;
- Country, page and news statistics added, statistic page added;
- Visits counter and statistics now use a new sessions based system;
- Now you can active/deactive the news and the channels in the homepage;
- System information module added;
- Newsletter section improved;
- FTP section improved;
- "Sand" style added;
- Bug fixed in the links section and when you search a news;
- Some minor bug fixed.

Go to the DEMO section to see the changes.
Read 54291 times

Webmatic versione 1.5 (beta) test in progress
August 18 2003 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

You can use Webmatic version 1.5 (beta - test in progress) directly online going to the demo section. The main new features are:

- Country, page and news statistics system added;
- Added password recovery and online users module to the login panel;
- Survey module added.
In the new version also some bug fixed and emprovement to some Webmatic modules, now the site visitors counters and statistics using a new sessions based system.
Read 52854 times

Webmatic applets version 1.38
July 29 2003 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Five applets added in this new version of Webmatic applets: Zoomfade, Lake, Lakemenu, Festoons, FestoonsMenu.
See the applets section to download and view the new applets.
Read 50053 times

Webmatic applets 1.37 released
July 21 2003 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic applets 1.37 released, in this release added 7 menu applets (25 applets in total), now you can create your personal menu for your website with some effects in the background.

Webmatic applets 1.37 new features:
- File "par.html" for applet RainMenu corrected;
- Minor code optimizations for "Fire" applet;
- "SnowMenu", "FireMenu", "WaterMenu", "FireworksMenu", "FlagMenu", "LightMenu" and "StarfieldMenu" applet added (25 applets in total);
- File "WM_Flag.html" corrected.

Download Webmatic applets 1.37.
Read 50677 times

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