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Edepol! 1.0.2 released
March 27 2011 (19:00:51) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Edepol! 1.0.2 was released.
The new features in this version are:

- Added a function that print the customers list;
- Now you can change the currency from advance configuration file;
- Added a function that lets to change the sold/returned date for an article;
- Bug fixed when you try to shows warehouse status in a certain date;
- Other 2 minor bugs was fixed.

You can download Edepol 1.0.2, go to Edepol! forum or you can see more about Edepol! (italian page).
Read 77857 times

Ghouls and ghosts Remix 0.52 released
March 09 2011 (13:34:09) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

After nearly two years Ghouls and ghosts Remix
was updated to version 0.52.

This new version adds new levels and enemies to
the game.

Changes details from version 0.47:

- Recompiled with allegro 4.2.2;
- Reconfigure game keys option added to game options menu;
- Fifth stage map completed;
- Sixth stage started with some new enemies (incomplete);
- Some enemies added;
- Some code optimizations;
- Some minor bugs fixed.

You can download Ghouls and Ghosts remix 0.52 or go to Ghouls and Ghosts remix forum.
Read 78847 times

Webmatic 3.0.7 released
February 05 2011 (15:57:49) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

A new set of APIs for database management and some other improvements was added to this new version of Webmatic 3.0.7.

Changes details from version 3.0.6:

- Added new classes with a set of APIs that lets a separate database management;
- Better integration with the TinyMCE HTML editor;
- Added CAPTCHA control to "sign the guestbook" form;
- Other 8 minor bugs was fixed;
- Minor code optimizations.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.7.
Read 75706 times

Webmatic 3.0.6 released
November 29 2010 (18:47:45) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic 3.0.6 was released, this new version mainly includes new APIs for lists and forms creation and a lot of code optimization.

Details of the changes since version 3.0.5:

- Added new class with a set of APIs that lets you to create and visualize skinnable lists with page navigator and other features;
- Added new class with a set of APIs that lets you to create, visualize and validate skinnable forms with some features. Added also some classes thet lets you to create and visualize form fields;
- Now the emails are shown one page a time in webmail section;
- Added a feature that send an email to the moderator when a new discussion is posted in a forum;
- Other 31 minor bugs was fixed;
- A lot of code was optimized.

You can see some examples of forms and lists creation that using the new APIs from this page.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.6.
Read 76964 times

Webmatic 3.0.5 released
June 29 2010 (12:34:47) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic 3.0.5 was released, this new version mainly includes interesting changes for Webmatic expansions system.

Details of the changes since version 3.0.4:

- Expansions system improved, now you can create administrator/user side for an expansion and you can create also different panels/pages for the same expansion;
- Added feature that allows you to create a sequence of linked pages;
- Added feature that allows you to override an original language file (useful to change some language terms without edit the original language file);
- The administrator now can delete the comments for the news;
- Now is possible to duplicate a news;
- Some help buttons added;
- Other 12 minor bugs was fixed;
- Minor code optimizations.

You can see details about the new expansions system from this page or see an expansion example here.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.5.
Read 77310 times

AlbumE 0.4 released
April 07 2010 (00:24:27) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

AlbumE 0.4 was released with some improvement and bugfixed.

Changes from version 0.3:

- Scroll effect and shadows added in thumbnails window;
- Image navigator toolbar, image enlargment and slideshow function added;
- New skin added "light";
- Error check in the edit configuration form now working fine;
- Now thumbnails width and height works fine in admin section;
- Other 3 minor bugs was fixed.

You can download Albume 0.4, see online AlbumE example 1 and example 2 or you can go to AlbumE forum.
Read 57287 times

Webmatic 3.0.4 released
March 28 2010 (13:29:52) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic 3.0.4 was released, this new version includes interesting changes and fix some possible cross-site scripting (XSS) security bugs. Upgrade your website to Webmatic 3.0.4 as soon as possible.

Details of the changes since version 3.0.3:

- Captcha check added in some forms;
- Added function that show the total database space used;
- Added in the forum section a function that sand a notification email when an user reply in a discussion;
- Added GD extension check in the setup;
- Added preview image for the skins and 2 new skins added ("lex" and "green");
- Added database backup and restore section for the super user;
- "Folders management" section enanced;
- Website foot informations now working fine;
- HTML editor enanced;
- Kernel functions started (useful for ajax support);
- Fixed some security bugs;
- Other 20 minor bugs was fixed;
- Minor code optimizations.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.4.
Read 75833 times

Webmatic Video Tutorials
February 24 2010 (10:09:26) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

A page with video tutorials for Webmatic its now available, the first video is a tutorial about "How to manage news with Webmatic 3.0", to see all the video tutorials go to video tutorials page or watch this first video below.

Read 76411 times

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