WM Fireworks (Parameters)

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Parameters description and code example for the applet WM Fireworks.

Applet dimensions:
Its the width of the applet window (must be a positive non zero value)
Its the height of the applet window (must be a positive non zero value)

WM Fireworks Parameters:
Its the filename of the applet background image (must be a .jpg or .gif file)
Its the filename of the applet foreground image (must be a .jpg or .gif file)
fgimgx Its the X position of the foreground image in the applet window
fgimgy Its the Y position of the foreground image in the applet window
fireworkspow Its the power of the fireworks effect (must be a value between 1 and 300)
fireworksrpow If its 1 will be displayed the fireworks effect with a random power for each explosion (the fireworkspow factor will be ignored),if its 0 the fireworks effect power will be the value of fireworkspow and will be the same for all the explosions


Its the power of the gravity factor for the fireworks effect (must be a value between 0 and 16)
fireworkspart Its the number of particles for the explosion (must be a value between 1 and 1000)
fireworksqua Its the simultaneous explosions number (must be a value between 1 and 25)
fireworkstop Its the max height for the explosions (must be a value between 0 and fireworksbottom)
fireworksbottom Its the min height for the explosions (must be a value between fireworkstop and height)
fireworksflash If its 1 will be displayed an additional flashing effect for each explosion, if its 0 the additional flashing effect will not be displayed
fireworksbig If its 1 the fireworks effect will be displayed using big particles, if its 0 the fireworks effect will be displayed using small particles

Its the explosions color. If its 1 all the explosions will be displayed using yellow color, if its 2 all the explosions will be displayed using red color, if its 3 all the explosions will be displayed using green color, if its 4 all the explosions will be displayed using blue color, if its 5 all the explosions will be displayed using white color, if its 0 all the explosions will be displayed using a random color.

General parameters:
Its the text that scroll in the applet
scrolltextdir Its the direction of the scroll text (must be 1 for left to right scroll, 0 for right to left scroll)
scrolltextsp Its the speed of the scroll text (must be a a value between 1 and 5)
scrolltextpos Its the Y position of the scroll text
scrolltextcol Its the color of the applet scroll text (RRGGBB hexadecimal values)
scrolltextfont Its the font of the scroll text (must be 0 for times, 1 for arial or 2 for courier)
scrolltexth Its the height of the scroll text characters (must be a positive non zero value)
bottomtext Its the bottom text in the applet window
bottomtextcol Its the color of the bottom text in the applet window (RRGGBB hexadecimal values)
bottomtextalign Its the position of the bottom text in the applet window (must be 0 left, 1 center or 2 right)
urltolink Its the address of the web page linked by the applet window (must begin with http://)
urltarget Its the target of the url in the urltolink parameter, if its _self the url will be show on the same window, if its _blank the url will be show in a new window, if its _parent the url will be show in the parent window, if its _top the url will be show in the top window, if its a custom value the url will be show in a frame with the custom value name (all the values are case sensitive)
After all the parameters you can insert a message for no java browser.
The parameter code must be the name of the main .class applet file, the codebase parameter must be"./".

Code example:
<applet code="WM_Fireworks.class" codebase="./" width="320" height="200">
   <param name="bgimg" value="image.gif">
   <param name="fgimg" value="wm.gif">
   <param name="fgimgx" value="2">
   <param name="fgimgy" value="2">
   <param name="fireworkspow" value="50">
   <param name="fireworksrpow" value="1">
   <param name="fireworksgra" value="2">
   <param name="fireworkspart" value="250">
   <param name="fireworksqua" value="4">
   <param name="fireworkstop" value="10">
   <param name="fireworksbottom" value="100">
   <param name="fireworksflash" value="0">
   <param name="fireworksbig" value="1">
   <param name="fireworkscol" value="1">
   <param name="scrolltext" value="http://www.valarsoft.com">
   <param name="scrolltextdir" value="0">
   <param name="scrolltextsp" value="1">
   <param name="scrolltextpos" value="100">
   <param name="scrolltextcol" value="00CCAA">
   <param name="scrolltextfont" value="0">
   <param name="scrolltexth" value="36">
   <param name="bottomtext" value="Webmatic Fireworks">
   <param name="bottomtextcol" value="CCCCCC">
   <param name="bottomtextalign" value="0">
   <param name="urltolink" value="http://www.valarsoft.com">
   <param name="urltarget" value="_blank">
   <B>Sorry, this browser don't support java</B>

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