May 28 2005 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.2 its finally released.
Changes in this version are:
- Control panel improved (items lists redesigned);
- Contact form page added;
- Added vote system and top ten in media album section;
- Extrernal link (and target) option added to menu bar section;
- "Text to show" field added to links section;
- Style system improved and new styles added (spectrum and rred);
- News section improved and printable news function added;
- Webmatic its now compatible with PHP directive "register_globals=Off";
- Added option enable/disable for downloads in download section;
- Some code optimizations;
- Some minor bugs fixed.
See the ONLINE DEMO. |
Read 51784 times |
May 26 2005 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.2 beta (work in progress version) the changes are:
Administrators editor improved, now its more simple to use.
Added vote system and top ten in media album section.
"Extrernal" link (and target) option added to menu bar section.
Contact form page added.
Style system improved and new styles added.
News section improved and printable news function added.
Webmatic its now compatible with PHP directive "register_globals=Off". Some bugs fixed in media album section.
Code optimization.
"Text to show" field added to links section.
Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to ONLINE DEMO to see the changes. Version 2.2 its coming soon.
Read 51200 times |
March 08 2005 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.1 its finally released.
Changes in this version are:
- Control panel improved (its more simple to use preferences, metatags and file manager);
- Media album section added, you can create your media albums to store and organize pictures, audio and video;
- Now you can insert also a flash logo for your website;
- Now you can create pages only for a group of users;
- Database enanched and more stable;
- Now the file manager section use also HTTP to transfer files;
- Folders status function added to file manager section;
- Some minor bugs fixed.
See the ONLINE DEMO. |
Read 51548 times |
March 03 2005 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.1 beta (work in progress version) the changes are:
Fixed search function for media album.
Now you can create media albums for all visitors, only for registered users or only for a group of users.
Visualization bug fixed in media album for all the styles.
Added function that show the folders content in file upload section.
Now its possible to insert a flash logo.
Control panel improved (now its more simple to use the preferences, the metatags and the file manager).
Media album section added, now its possible to create and manage, in an easy way, one or more archives for pictures, videos or music media files.
Database enanched and more stable.
Now you can create pages only for a group of users.
Some bugs fixed in the FTP section.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
Go to the DEMO section to see the changes. Webmatic 2.1 its coming soon. |
Read 52047 times |
February 03 2005 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
From now, you can download old versions of Webmatic for free. You can use old version of Webmatic without any limitation (only for personal use). You can distribute the old version of Webmatic only if you make no change to the original package.
You can change and modify the code of old version of Webmatic only for personal use. You can not distribute changed version of old Webmatic packages. |
Read 52012 times |
November 29 2004 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.0 its finally released, changes from version 1.9 are:
Some optimizations and reorganization to the source code, now Webmatic runs with more speed. The source code now have more modularity and the system its now less heavy for the hosting server.
Fully tested with Internet Explorer 5.0+, Netscape 6.2+ and Opera 6.0+.
Banners exchange module added for the users.
Languages management section added, now the languages are taken from database.
Now you can create more than one administrator (with the relative permissions).
Daily average added to the statistics.
Management of the panels and menu bar was improved, so now they are easier to use.
Some improvements to the user to user messages section, now an user can send a message to all the members of his group.
Some improvements to little market section.
The style system was improved.
The newsletters may now be sent only to a users group.
Two new styles added "Blueline", "Soft" and "Elegant".
Some bugs was fixed in news and forum sections.
Bugs were fixed in the rotational banners module.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
Go to the DEMO section to see the changes. |
Read 51482 times |
June 13 2004 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (1 comment)
Webmatic version 1.9 final its now online with a lot of new features.
Changes from webmatic 1.8:
Login field added for the administrator authentication (security emproved)
Users groups section added
Added search form in the users module (editor side)
Log section added in statistics module
Rotational banners added
Now you can send newsletters also to the emails in the guestbook
"Top ten" added in directories module
Little emprovements to the styles, "Blues" style added and some icons added
Added search form in directories, forums and downloads module
Some bugs fixed in directories module
Security bug fixed and some minor bugs fixed
You can see the demo online from HERE or you can download webmatic
by click HERE. |
Read 53685 times |
April 10 2004 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic work in progress, see the last 1.9Beta version (its a work in progress version) directly online at the DEMO SECTION Webmatic 1.9 final version coming soon.
Changes from 1.8:
- Login field added to the admin section
- Users groups section added
- Added search form in the users module (in webmatic editor)
- Log section added in statistics module
- Rotational banners added
- Now you can send newsletters also to the emails in the guestbook
- Little emprovements to the styles
- Added search form in directories, forums and downloads module
- "Blues" style added
- Some icons added
- Some bugs fixed in directories module
- Security bug fixed
- Some minor bugs fixed
Read 53674 times |
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