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Webmatic 3.0.3 released
December 14 2009 (15:41:12) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

A new version of Webmatic (3.0.3) was released, this is mainly a bugfix and security fix version. Upgrade your website to Webmatic 3.0.3 to avoid some possible SQL injections and some possible cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Changes from version 3.0.2:

- Added feature that shows the user information;
- New skin added (Blueline);
- Fixed several serious bugs in the ecommerce section;
- Some bugs fixed in the user registration page;
- Visualization bug fixed in "steel" skin;
- Fixed several serious security bugs;
- Other 6 minor bugs was fixed;
- Minor code optimizations.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.3.
Read 53895 times

Webmatic 3.0.2 released
November 19 2009 (10:38:32) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

A new version of Webmatic (3.0.2) was released, in this new version a lot of bugs was fixed and some features was improved and fixed (specially the skins system).

Changes from version 3.0.1:

- Added languages management section in administrator area;
- Added top rating in downloads section;
- Added move function in media album section;
- Added cart expire function and fixed special offers panel for the ecommerce section;
- Added feature that allows an user to insert an item in the directory;
- Added German translation (thanks to meditux);
- Improved and bugfixed the webmail section, now you can send email with attachments;
- Basic statistics improved;
- Skin system improved and new skin added (Steel), you can now create skins even more diversified;
- Fixed bug that did not allow the display of the news comments;
- Fixed bug when send the newsletter in HTML format;
- Fixed bug in ecommerce section when you edit a product that have custom fields;
- Fixed small bug in the setup;
- Other 21 minor bugs was fixed;
- Minor code optimizations.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.2.
Read 48630 times

Webmatic 3.0.1 released
September 12 2009 (00:31:12) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

A new version of Webmatic (3.0.1) was released, in this version a lot of bugs was fixed and some features was improved and fixed.

Changes from version 3.0.0:

- Rss feeds now working fine;
- Printable news now working fine;
- Added printable orders function for ecommerce section;
- Added printable version, more informations and send to friend functions for an ecommerce product;
- Setup now also check the correct mysql version needed;
- Banners exchange user code now working fine;
- Little enhancements to the skins and new skin added (Soft);
- Now you can read the emails in Webmail page;
- Added informations section to the control panel;
- Expansion pages and panels fixed (now expansions working fine);
- Fixed a bug that not show users list in login panel when an administrator is logged;
- Visualization bugs fixed when browse a product;
- Visualization bug fixed in login form;
- Bugs fixed in hourly statistics section;
- Bug fixed in chat page;
- Other 12 minor bugs was fixed.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.1.
Read 47884 times

Webmatic 3.0.0 fully object oriented released
July 13 2009 (18:02:29) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

After one year and more Webmatic version 3.0.0 (Webmatic cube) has been released and its now fully object oriented PHP script with a lot of changes.

Changes from version 2.8:

- Webmatic was totally rewritten and is now fully object oriented and needs PHP 5 to work;
- Webmatic is much lighter and faster;
- Now the users password are stored using md5;
- Webmatic its now more modular and you can write own expansions;
- The web interface is now more user friendly;
- Webmatic use now a new and more powerful css style system for the skins.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.0.
Read 50075 times

Webmatic 2.8 released
February 19 2008 (18:14:01) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic version 2.8 has been released with a lot of changes.
Here the list of changes in version 2.8:

- New panel added "Happy birthday";
- New panel added "Special offer";
- Started api creation for development (now only for the styles). Sorry but the api are undocumented in this version;
- Added read/unread marker in the forums (for users that are connected);
- Added function lock/unlock discussion in the forums;
- Added discussion hits counter in the forums;
- Added time generator page and query counter function;
- Security bug, that lets some sql injection and XSS exploits, fixed;
- Now the users can use only BBCode tags for the input, only administrators can use also HTML;
- Some graphic objects added and style "elios" added;
- Some code optimizations and minor bugs was also fixed.

Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.8.
Read 50009 times

Webmatic 2.7.1 released
October 09 2007 (13:59:06) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic version 2.7.1 has been released. Forum section was totally rewritten and optimized.
Here the list of changes in version 2.7.1:

- Forum section totally rewritten;
- Some graphic objects added;
- Some little code optimizations.
- Some minor bugs fixed.

Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.7.1.
Read 49995 times

Webmatic 2.7 release
July 05 2007 (20:30:19) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic version 2.7 its released. A lot of changes in this new version.
Here the list of changes in version 2.7:

- Added RSS feed for the news (with panel).
- Fortune section, with the relative panel, added.
- The users can now insert more images for a product in the ecommerce section.
- Database backup section added (incomplete).
- Forms error check was enanched.
- Little HTML editor was enached.
- "Lightblue" style was added.
- Fixed some errors in languages files.
- Some minor security bugs was fixed in administration area.
- Some code optimizations.
- Some minor bugs fixed.

Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.7.
Read 51040 times

Webmatic 2.6.2 release
May 21 2007 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)

Webmatic version 2.6.2 its released. This is a securityfix release. The changes in this new version are:

- Security bug, that lets some sql injection, fixed.
- Fixed some visualization errors.
- Some minor bugs fixed.

Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.6.2.
Read 50980 times

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