December 14 2009 (15:41:12) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
A new version of Webmatic (3.0.3) was released, this is mainly a bugfix and security fix version. Upgrade your website to Webmatic 3.0.3 to avoid some possible SQL injections and some possible cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Changes from version 3.0.2:
- Added feature that shows the user information;
- New skin added (Blueline);
- Fixed several serious bugs in the ecommerce section;
- Some bugs fixed in the user registration page;
- Visualization bug fixed in "steel" skin;
- Fixed several serious security bugs;
- Other 6 minor bugs was fixed;
- Minor code optimizations.
Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.3.
Read 53895 times |
November 19 2009 (10:38:32) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
A new version of Webmatic (3.0.2) was released, in this new version a lot of bugs was fixed and some features was improved and fixed (specially the skins system).
Changes from version 3.0.1:
- Added languages management section in administrator area;
- Added top rating in downloads section;
- Added move function in media album section;
- Added cart expire function and fixed special offers panel for the ecommerce section;
- Added feature that allows an user to insert an item in the directory;
- Added German translation (thanks to meditux);
- Improved and bugfixed the webmail section, now you can send email with attachments;
- Basic statistics improved;
- Skin system improved and new skin added (Steel), you can now create skins even more diversified;
- Fixed bug that did not allow the display of the news comments;
- Fixed bug when send the newsletter in HTML format;
- Fixed bug in ecommerce section when you edit a product that have custom fields;
- Fixed small bug in the setup;
- Other 21 minor bugs was fixed;
- Minor code optimizations.
Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.2.
Read 48630 times |
September 12 2009 (00:31:12) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
A new version of Webmatic (3.0.1) was released, in this version a lot of bugs was fixed and some features was improved and fixed.
Changes from version 3.0.0:
- Rss feeds now working fine;
- Printable news now working fine;
- Added printable orders function for ecommerce section;
- Added printable version, more informations and send to friend functions for an ecommerce product;
- Setup now also check the correct mysql version needed;
- Banners exchange user code now working fine;
- Little enhancements to the skins and new skin added (Soft);
- Now you can read the emails in Webmail page;
- Added informations section to the control panel;
- Expansion pages and panels fixed (now expansions working fine);
- Fixed a bug that not show users list in login panel when an administrator is logged;
- Visualization bugs fixed when browse a product;
- Visualization bug fixed in login form;
- Bugs fixed in hourly statistics section;
- Bug fixed in chat page;
- Other 12 minor bugs was fixed.
Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.1.
Read 47884 times |
July 13 2009 (18:02:29) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
After one year and more Webmatic version 3.0.0 (Webmatic cube) has been released and its now fully object oriented PHP script with a lot of changes.
Changes from version 2.8:
- Webmatic was totally rewritten and is now fully object oriented and needs PHP 5 to work;
- Webmatic is much lighter and faster;
- Now the users password are stored using md5;
- Webmatic its now more modular and you can write own expansions;
- The web interface is now more user friendly;
- Webmatic use now a new and more powerful css style system for the skins.
Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.0.
Read 50075 times |
February 19 2008 (18:14:01) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.8 has been released with a lot of changes.
Here the list of changes in version 2.8:
- New panel added "Happy birthday";
- New panel added "Special offer";
- Started api creation for development (now only for the styles). Sorry but the api are undocumented in this version;
- Added read/unread marker in the forums (for users that are connected);
- Added function lock/unlock discussion in the forums;
- Added discussion hits counter in the forums;
- Added time generator page and query counter function;
- Security bug, that lets some sql injection and XSS exploits, fixed;
- Now the users can use only BBCode tags for the input, only administrators can use also HTML;
- Some graphic objects added and style "elios" added;
- Some code optimizations and minor bugs was also fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.8.
Read 50009 times |
October 09 2007 (13:59:06) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.7.1 has been released. Forum section was totally rewritten and optimized.
Here the list of changes in version 2.7.1:
- Forum section totally rewritten;
- Some graphic objects added;
- Some little code optimizations.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.7.1.
Read 49995 times |
July 05 2007 (20:30:19) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.7 its released. A lot of changes in this new version.
Here the list of changes in version 2.7:
- Added RSS feed for the news (with panel).
- Fortune section, with the relative panel, added.
- The users can now insert more images for a product in the ecommerce section.
- Database backup section added (incomplete).
- Forms error check was enanched.
- Little HTML editor was enached.
- "Lightblue" style was added.
- Fixed some errors in languages files.
- Some minor security bugs was fixed in administration area.
- Some code optimizations.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.7.
Read 51040 times |
May 21 2007 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.6.2 its released.
This is a securityfix release. The changes in this new version are:
- Security bug, that lets some sql injection, fixed.
- Fixed some visualization errors.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.6.2.
Read 50980 times |
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