July 05 2007 (20:30:19) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.7 its released. A lot of changes in this new version.
Here the list of changes in version 2.7:
- Added RSS feed for the news (with panel).
- Fortune section, with the relative panel, added.
- The users can now insert more images for a product in the ecommerce section.
- Database backup section added (incomplete).
- Forms error check was enanched.
- Little HTML editor was enached.
- "Lightblue" style was added.
- Fixed some errors in languages files.
- Some minor security bugs was fixed in administration area.
- Some code optimizations.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.7.
Read 50999 times |
May 21 2007 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.6.2 its released.
This is a securityfix release. The changes in this new version are:
- Security bug, that lets some sql injection, fixed.
- Fixed some visualization errors.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.6.2.
Read 50933 times |
February 08 2007 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.6.1 its released.
This is a bugfix-securityfix release. The changes in this new version are:
- Security bug, that lets a visitor to include a file in the script, fixed.
- Fixed some errors in languages files.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.6.1.
Read 52423 times |
January 11 2007 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.6 its released.
A lot of changes in this release. The changes in this new version are:
- New languages added: Français, Deutsch, Español (translation to do), Nederlands (translation done);
- Forum section enanced: "Create new discussion" permission added, tag "code" added, now you can quote a reply and edit a reply/discussion, now you can also create forum categories for all language;
- Little HTML editor and smile editor was enanced;
- Webmatic its now tested and fully working with Firefox or higher;
- New style added "green" and little emprovement to all the styles;
- Ecommerce section (administartor side) enanched;
- Security bug, that occurred when you delete a file in file management section, fixed;
- Some minor code optimizations;
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.6.
Read 51607 times |
November 14 2006 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.5 its finally released.
The changes in this new version are:
- Webmatic license changed, now Webmatic switch to a free GNU GPL license, you can now download last stable release of webmatic for free.
- Users private section enhanced, (menu was created and all the functionalities are now much clear, added new function in private user section that lets the user to add products in the ecommerce section see user section);
- Magic quotes bug fixed, (now Webmatic works fine also with the "magic quotes php option" set to off);
- All the input forms redesigned;
- Added option that can enable/disable the logging for the visitators;
- Added a button that lets the administrator delete all the comments for a news item;
- Add button to delete a file in file menager section;
- Bug fixed in user section when you try to delete an user;
- Some minor code optimizations;
- Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the new version, or DOWNLOAD Webmatic 2.5.
Read 51284 times |
November 03 2006 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.4.9 (work in progress version) the changes are:
Webmatic license changed, now Webmatic switch to a free GNU GPL license, you can now download last stable release of webmatic for free.
Now Webmatic works fine also with the "magic quotes php option" set to off.
All the input forms redesigned.
Added option that can enable/disable the logging for the visitators.
Users private section enhanced, (menu was created and all the functionalities are now much clear).
Added a button that lets the administrator delete all the comments for a news item.
Add button to delete a file in file menager section.
Bug fixed in user section when you try to delete an user.
Minor code optimization.
Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to WEBMATIC ONLINE TEST to see the changes. Version 2.5 its coming soon.
Read 52140 times |
January 05 2006 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.4 its finally released, the changes from 2.3 are:
Added webmail module, the module let you to create a page when you can read and send email from your website, you can connect the page with the pop server you want.
Bug fixed and graphic optimization for trend section (in statistics module).
Overwrite check added in the upload section.
Ecommerce section enanched, added extra feedback and printable page for products. Now you can insert
more pictures for a product. Its now also possible to added extra customizable fields for the products.
Added custom fields in the ecommerce module (now you can create custom fields for your products).
Bug fixed when you search a product in ecommerce section.
Some options added.
Minor code optimizations.
Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to ONLINE DEMO to see the changes in version 2.4.
Read 52272 times |
December 08 2005 (00:00:00) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
Webmatic version 2.3.5 (work in progress version) the changes are:
Added webmail module (work in progress), the module let you to create a page when you can read and send email from your website, you can connect the page with the pop server you want.
Bug fixed and graphic optimization for trend section (in statistics module).
Overwrite check added in the upload section.
Ecommerce section enanched, added extra feedback and printable page for products. Now you can insert
more pictures for a product. Its now also possible to added extra customizable fields for the products.
Added custom fields in the ecommerce module (now you can create custom fields for your products).
Bug fixed when you search a product in ecommerce section.
Some options added.
Minor code optimization.
Some minor bugs fixed.
Go to ONLINE DEMO to see the changes. Version 2.4 its coming soon.
Read 51934 times |
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