July 18 2011 (00:55:15) Author: arraffaele (0 comments)
New release of Webmatic (3.1.0) is ready for download. Webmatic 3.1.0 mainly introduce a new policy to manage menus. This new version have a build in system that allow you to create in addition to the main menu bar, even secondary menus and n levels of dropdown submenus. Webmatic 3.1.0 introduce also some improvements for skins and expansions. The new skins are not compatible with the old version of Webmatic (3.0.x) if you need all the old skins you can download them from here.
Changes details from version 3.0.8:
- Menus section improved, now you can create menus and submenus with n sublevels;
- Skins system improved with support for dropdown menus;
- Expansion system improved, now you can pass parameters to an expansion;
- Added visibilty field to panel section useful to differentiate access to a panel for members or visitors;
- Now you can insert additional contents to the header;
- Added in preferences section an option to select the printable logo and an option to select user registration form type;
- Added a function that allows the superuser to delete and reset the whole database;
- Added support for the Greek language;
- Webmatic now needs a slightly smaller number of queries;
- Other 4 minor bugs was fixed;
- Minor code optimizations.
Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.1.0.
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