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Webmatic flashlets
Forum about Webmatic flashlets
Creato il November 02 2004 (08:44:05), moderator: arraffaele (group: Default)
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Author Message

April 24 2006 (11:29:45)

Can I remove banner?

Well it does look like it was fixed for all browsers. Its a buy. Does the registered version allow me to remove that link to that URL? I presume it does.

April 24 2006 (11:32:01)

Yes, if you register you can remove all the logo and link (you receive a unique regkey for your website).

February 01 2008 (12:51:07)

From version 1.11 Flashlets become a <b>free GNU/GPL</b> software then all the banners was removed and no regkey needed.<br>Also the source code (.fla) was released! <img src=pic/smiles/s4.gif align=absmiddle>

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