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October 25 2015 (21:53:35)

Problem with User Login


It seems like I'm experiencing an issue with logins where once the user logs in the site doesn't always seem to recognize that they've logged in (so they can't access restricted pages).

They have to login again to get it to work.. do you have any ideas what I should check? It seems to work perfectly here on your site!

Thank You again!!

October 26 2015 (00:37:29)

you use more copy of webmatic in the same domain?
eg: <- made with webmatic
and also in runs webmatic

October 26 2015 (00:55:15)

No, just a single site: you can use user: test1 and pass: test1 if you'd like to try it.

October 26 2015 (09:10:06)

I log more times and again but i can not see any problem!!! Works for me!! (i use chrome)
You can try to clear your browse's cookies cache!

October 26 2015 (14:38:50)

It works most times for me too, but that's not the case for the users.. Once they sign in and try to navigate to the members only area it acts like they never signed in (sometimes).

October 26 2015 (21:20:48)

Ok try that, if you are already logged as administrator and try to log as normal-user the cookies have a conflict and the login jam. Please disconnet from administretor befor do any normal-user login.
I think this is the definitive solution

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