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All the forums Games Ghouls and ghosts Remix
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Ghouls and ghosts Remix
Discussions about Ghouls and ghosts Remix game
Creato il July 19 2009 (16:57:42), moderator: arraffaele (group: Default)
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Author Message

August 05 2010 (13:46:58)

Ghouls n' ghosts Remix and iMac problem

The game doesn't work on my late 2006 CoreDuo2 24" iMac.
What can I try?

August 08 2010 (17:10:37)

The executable file give you any error message???

August 08 2010 (17:25:03)

arraffaele wrote:
The executable file give you any error message???

The Application has unexpectedly quit...

The erros is this:

Library not loaded: liballeg-4.2.dylib Here they are talking about a patch but I couldn't find it.

Thanks in adavace.

August 08 2010 (18:17:26)

Thanks for the informations but I do not use Mac and ... I think you must wait the next version of allegro library for OS X

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