You can use the online test of Webmatic.
To use the Webmatic online test just click on the image.
The fundamental operations for the use of Webmatic (and therefore of the
online test) they are the followings:
You can use and enter in the Webmatic administrator
area by add the string "index.php?stage=2" at the end of the
online test website address (the LOGIN and the PASSWORD are "admin").
You can go to the online test website home
page simply by click on the picture above. |
Attention: |
It is possible that more then one user are
using the Webmatic online test simultaneously, so it is possible
that the changes done in the webmatic online test with the Webmatic
editor can be overwritten by the changes of other users that still
using the online test, therefore some changes can give unexpected
results. |
To give suggestions, questions or to send signalings of errors for the
Webmatic software, click on the envelope.