Webmatic 3.0.0 fully object oriented released
After one year and more Webmatic version 3.0.0 (Webmatic cube) has been released and its now fully object oriented PHP script with a lot of changes.

Changes from version 2.8:

- Webmatic was totally rewritten and is now fully object oriented and needs PHP 5 to work;
- Webmatic is much lighter and faster;
- Now the users password are stored using md5;
- Webmatic its now more modular and you can write own expansions;
- The web interface is now more user friendly;
- Webmatic use now a new and more powerful css style system for the skins.

Go to Webmatic online test to see the new version, or download Webmatic 3.0.0.
July 13 2009 (newsID #156)
